Events are free to attend, but pitching slots are limited per event!
To pitch your amazing friend, please review our guidelines and Code of Conduct, then sign up to pitch to request a spot.
Follow us on instagram @pitchafriend.southjersey for all Pitch-A-Friend South Jersey events, recaps, and more!
Pitch-A-Friend is a one-of-a-kind event that celebrates friendship by allowing friends to give short slide presentations about their remarkable single friends to a lively audience of available singles at breweries and bars!
Friends reserve available pitch spots by filling out our online form. Once signed up, they prepare a 3-5 minute slide presentation highlighting the exceptional qualities of their single friend and why others should consider dating them. Additionally, they can share what their friend seeks in a relationship. This is NOT a roast. This event is to promote friends in a positive and fun way!
On the night of the event, the format involves a presentation segment where friends pitch their single friend on the mic, along with their slides. This is followed by a mingle session where all attendees can socialize together. The number of presentations at each event typically ranges from 7 to 12 (with breaks), depending on the available space.
View our Rules, Guidelines, Examples, Code of Conduct, & FAQs for more information.
Pitch-A-Friend partners with breweries, wineries, bars, and other event venues in South Jersey region.
Interested in partnering with us? Partnership FormFor inquiries, scheduling, and accessibility arrangements, please reach out to us at
Send an e-mailOr follow us on social platform